Our favourite free Tools/Software for Windows.

I have finally composed a list of free tools for people to use. I was originally creating a list of SEO and Webmaster tools, then we decided to compose a list of tools anyone will find useful. I have now decided to do both but separate the SEO/Webmaster Tools from the...

Facebook worth $10 Billion!!

It has been reported that the Wall Street Journal that Microsoft is in talks with Face Book for a minority share of the social-networking Web site.  In what appears to be a desperate attempt to compete with the phenomenon that is Google Microsoft are reported to be...

Zombie Pfizer Computers Spew Viagra Spam

Further to our post about the Storm Worm Botnet being the world’s most powerful supercomputer we have more Botnet/Virus news for you. Computers inside pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s network are spamming the internet with e-mails touting the company’s...