SEO and Webmaster Tools we recommend.

Ok so I have done a post on all the tools/software I use and the boys and Dolphin Promotions use day to day but I left out any SEO/Website tools as I think it requires a post of its own, and also some of these tools are not free. Free Tools 103Bees – An Analytics...

Our favourite free Tools/Software for Windows.

I have finally composed a list of free tools for people to use. I was originally creating a list of SEO and Webmaster tools, then we decided to compose a list of tools anyone will find useful. I have now decided to do both but separate the SEO/Webmaster Tools from the...

Google Acquires Microblogging Service Jaiku

Finish short messaging and microblogging service Jaiku has been acquired by Google, the company says. That Google bought this competitor of Twitter, the service founded by Blogger founder Evan Williams, instead of Twitter is notable. Jaiku may be stronger on the...